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What the hell did 2016 do to us?

By now, the honeymoon that was 2017 is now becoming a reality. What did you do to prepare? I found through many acquaintances that "cutting the loose ends" was a priority. I think it's time to open our truths.

Last year, through social media platforms - I posted ideas on various topics. These were ideas that could be considered ridiculous, accurate, and flat out wrong. The worst part about it was that there were at least 10 people that agreed regardless of its content (fake or real). The purpose of this was to read HOW people responded, which I believe taught me more about myself than they did themselves. What I thought of myself, people expected more. I should be scared right? Nah, I shouldn't. The fact is, my character proceeded the façade I created. Even writing my own downfalls (struggling with the identity of being a man of God, Step Dad, Husband, One Man Brass Band, part time Superhero, full time Counselor, Artist, human being) became meaningful to someone else.

One thing that stood out consistently was that people wanted to connect. People wanted to be understood, and most importantly... They wanted respect. However, the old saying, "Hurt people hurt people" was ever so clear with the exclusivity within diversity. Even when trying to be understood, it was simply not enough. I took time to reflect everyday and went through my mindfulness routine to find balance. One thing you will learn about me, I believe in balance over any emotion or situation because I have been at both ends of the spectrum.

Lastly, I discovered the importance of 2016 in 2015, through reflecting on the coming year was that 2016 was meant to break and reveal us, finally opening the wound that was too "safe". I reflected in October knowing that 2017 was going to be the year of choices. It does not matter what side you choose, because each one will turn you away from an opportunity. You can't escape it.

The Offer

What I want to offer is a list of thoughts that I gathered each month, which means they get randomly challenging and will become personal at the end.

1) Why have you allowed yourself to be hurt in the past?

2) What does separation mean to you?

3) Happiness is ________________.

4) How can love be so conditional right now?

(Finding the cost of love is bankrupting people.)

5) When did you start believing in your own labels?

6) Did you start separating quality and quantity time?

7) During your favorable season, why can't you get that feeling internally? (Why is there no vacation in yourself?)

8) When did vulnerability become an impending after thought or fear?

9) Did you reach out to become more or find closure?

(Begin understanding how you move)

10) If your parents/caretaker are alive, ask them "What did you go through in life that made you want me to have a better life than you?"

11) Why aren't you enough?

12) Joy is ____________.

Human connection is the glue within the process of life; yet we are searching for substitutions. For example, meeting a new friend for the first time, yet they already know your history through common connection. Let's stop throwing away the soil, but rather re-fertilize it. Use that soil to create the life that you believe you deserve.

-W.O.W, Words of Will - You came here with expectations. I came here with standards.

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