A Letter to the 2017 Graduates of "Woke University"
Dear Students of Woke University:
It is an honor and privilege to write you a letter on this glorious day. I am eager to stand among a rising group of individuals that have evolved into a state of awareness. The fact that you promote a level of social justice, yet maintain the cruise-controlled level of progress is invigorating. Some may ask, "Why is William this label label label person giving this speech to this group of individuals and what can he provide them?"
That is a great question.... Why? I do not stand for your mission statement or even support your motto, "You're with me or you're wrong." If I were to give a commencement speech, I believe your professors, would want me to stand before you. Not to speak on the idea of "being woke" however.... They would select me as guest speaker because they know what it takes. So instead I will write this letter. From this day forth, I am offering you another curriculum after Woke University: consciousness.
See, the problem I see in this world is that we have come to an organic dietary point that social justice is no longer about diversity and advocacy. The moment you allow what makes you diverse to be a reason for exclusivity you have destroyed the goal of unity. IF our ability to misinterpret equality and equity, seemingly overshadows the mere fact it's truly dominance that is wanted...we have lost. I know the school core requirements such as "Transitioning Sarcasm to Petty" kept your self-diagnosed anxiety up at night. But you are here, extraordinary like everyone else. So give yourselves a Snap Chat selfie to promote your success.
In all serious, the "Age of Woke" is upon you all, and it actually frightens me. Why? Well, the fact of the matter is that some of you lack the ability to have an intelligent conversation without becoming emotionally torn signifies that you're not educationally sound. Regardless of how personal your experience is, your degree cannot be specialized in an emotion - in other words there is no such thing as a Bachelor of Arts in Salty...
I am beginning to see that being woke is becoming as fraternizing as the divine nine (to which I am a member), which means there is more work that has to be done from other collegiate fraternities. The Kardashian modality of being unique is becoming mundane and routine. This rising middle-class status has been supported through the use of social media. The power of sharing has vanquished the march on the streets, taken away the hidden gems nerds glorified, and listening to every genre is a sign that you are cultured....but yet, you still hate country music?
I know, I know, I'm supposed to be giving you something to take away from this, and not just rant. So let me be clear when I say....
Now that you have graduated, choose to stop being woke and become conscious. Being conscious requires 100% of yourself and you already believe in "no new friends". You have to become self-centered, not self-absorbed. Self-esteem was a phone call away, don't leave it on "Read". Begin looking at your friends, spirituality, education, family, mental health, physical health, emotional health, occupational career, financial obligation, and actively revive your state of awareness. Being a Woke graduate is the same feeling of getting a trophy for participation.You receive the reward without the hunt. it's time to step up to the plate. Not everyone is welcomed to the conscious table, and when you find yourself battling with others, it was never about them.
In other words, it always had to do with you.
To look into the details of consciousness, I wish to ask one question of you before I wrap this up. "Has social media made you smarter, or just more relevant?"
Thank you Woke University alumni, I am glad you took the time to listen.