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Be Good to Yourself

Happiness or Joy? What are you?

The world is becoming to a point that every moment of happiness is a click away. But what are you really seeking? I found that working with clients, friends, and even myself...What did my happiness give me? Although the occasional quickie gives us a moment to exhale, I wanted to go deeper to bring out a happiness that could be a lifestyle. At the end, I found joy. Let's look into how I found the difference, why they need to be separated and equally celebrated.


Happiness is the emotion that we are familiar with. I have come to the point that I see happiness as an external stimuli. For example, presents, surprises, or receiving something that brings an emotion that allows you to feel unique. Many times happiness recreates our relationships and how we interact. Therefore, when finding a partner, we tend to mirror the behavior of someone we like so they see us as equals. However, when you find the ones that seem too good to be's actually a sign of being disconnected with your image. That's when the word "intentions" come into play.


Joy is actually the missing link into this full story. We spend our lives being stimulated by our environment. But have we really looked into what keeps up fed even in our worst days? Joy is the internal stimuli that empowers self-awareness, which is a form of Love (we will talk about later). Your joy is the energy that holds onto your daily activity, focuses your energy on the important matters, and even protects you from other negative people. So, if you are one to react and not respond... you need to start looking at your joy. Joy is the process of reflection and gratitude applied to daily functioning. Your lack of joy may be the one thing that is blocking your blessing.

So what are you more of?

Three tips for Happiness:

1) Who are you around the most?

2) Does it move you to be more?

3) What does being boring look like to you?

When addressing these questions, you are looking at putting yourself in environments that challenge and stimulate you. the product would be growth and transitions.

Three tips for Joy:

1) What memory would last more to you? The park or the beach?

2) How do you wake up your purpose?

3) How does your support system need you?'

In other words.... Be Good to Yourself

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